What is AMP? (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
It is no new news to say that the number of mobile users on the internet has surpassed the number of people using the desktop on the internet. Google has also warned media owners to take more care of their site’s mobile state and strive to improve its user experience. Also, Google has a more special offer for you! Guess what?
AMP pages are designed to help with SEO tasks and implementations and to rank better in search engine results pages (SERPs). As we said in the beginning, creating AMP pages will give your users the best user experience and stay tuned to learn more about this technology to give you more information on AMP.
What is the AMP Pages?
AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is a type of web page built in collaboration with Google and Twitter and has the fastest page load. AMP is a simple form of HTML that allows web developers to easily create fast-loading mobile pages. Thanks to these codes publishers and media owners can slow down their site down to even a second !!
Since these pages use plain HTML, some tags or even some CSS cannot be used. The use of JavaScript is also forbidden as it will slow down the site loading speed.
Since the original idea of these pages was to improve readability and speed, the images on the site would not be uploaded until the user scrolls. But what is the key to winning these pages?
These pages are designed to cache completely. This means that Google hosts are fully prepared to store the content and wait for the user to provide it quickly if needed.
Another interesting part of this code is its open-source code so other platforms can allow their users to use it. Facebook instant articles or Apple News are two of the most popular of these systems. You may already notice AMP pages on news and content-driven sites and even different blogs, but what about your website? Have you ever decided to create it?
How do AMP pages work?
Without going into a technical discussion, let’s tell you that although the layout of AMP pages is HTML, you can still use CSS to create a beautiful AMP template.
If you are familiar with HTML this will be neither difficult nor time-consuming. AMP, which is a subset of HTML, with custom tags and a few restrictions, customizing it and ready to activate.
Remember that we told you about the inability to use JavaScript on AMP pages? It’s true and we can’t use it. But with the AMP JS framework, you can partially meet your needs.
AMP CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a feature that Google gives you so you can cache your pages much faster. These pages are cached in Google AMP hosts and the final domain will be as follows.https://www.google.com/amp/www.yourdomain.com
The main advantage
AMP pages often appear above search pages on other search pages. Make two copies of your pages first. One original that is your base site and the other one that will form your AMP pages. You may need to re-write your website template without JavaScript and with special AMP tags and if you are going to use CSS code you should use in-line CSS of less than 2kb. There are other things you should do to create your AMP pages. Note that you do not need to do this for all your pages. You should look around and use the plug-in that your CMS recommends automating. For example, WordPress has a great plugin for AMP pages.
By introducing these pages, many content-focused news sites were able to get higher organic traffic search pages in AMP mode, and overall made significant progress in increasing their entries. Because AMP pages are very small in size, this also reduces the load on servers. Overall, it seems like enabling this technology gives you a great opportunity to attract new users and get a lot of traffic from mobile phones.